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Thinkagainshasta is created and managed by the Alcohol and Other Drugs Prevention unit of Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency/Public Health branch.

Our program is funded primarily with money from the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, which are federal funds administered by the State of California.
Our prevention efforts are aimed at parents, since research shows that parents have the most influence over whether their children experiment with drugs and alcohol. (Find out more here.) Our goal is to empower parents with tools and information to help them keep their teens drug free.
Why prevent alcohol and other drug abuse in teens? Because those who start abusing drugs as teens are much more likely to have drug/alcohol problems later in life. Preventing use now can save teens from addiction later on. (Learn more here.)
Want to learn more about the specifics of our work? Read our Shasta County Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Strategic Prevention Plan. It contains our mission, logic models and goals.